
RST Parsing from Scratch

A novel top-down end-to-end formulation of document level discourse parsing in the Rhetorical Structure Theory (RST) framework.

Hierarchical Pointer Net Parsing

A hierarchical pointer network parsers applied to dependency and sentence-level discourse parsing tasks.

A Unified Linear-Time Framework for Sentence-Level Discourse Parsing

This repository contains the source code of our paper “A Unified Linear-Time Framework for Sentence-Level Discourse Parsing” in ACL 2019. Getting Started These instructions will help you to run our unified discourse parser based on RST dataset. Prerequisites * PyTorch 0.4 or higher * Python 3 * AllenNLP Dataset We train and evaluate the model with the standard RST Discourse Treebank (RST-DT) corpus. * Segmenter: we utilize all 7673 sentences for training and 991 sentences for testing.

Discourse Parser for English

About This package includes: A discourse segmenter A discourse parser Evaluation metrics for discourse parsing Download Document-level Discourse Parser for English Demo Link Installation Required for the discourse segmenter: Charniak’s reranking parser. Put it in Tools/CharniakParserRerank and install it. Taggers from UIUC. Download POS tagger and shallow chunker [LBJPOS.jar, LBJChunk.jar, LBJ2.jar, LBJ2Library.jar] and put these in Tools/UIUC_TOOLs/ Install scikit-learn and scipy (instructions) Install java if not installed (instructions for Ubuntu) Make sure the Tools/SPADE_UTILS/bin/edubreak is set to executable.

Efficient Constituency Parsing by Pointing

This resource contains the source code of our ACL-2020 paper entitled Efficient Constituency Parsing by Pointing